“Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity” will be the topic discussed by Scott Slattery, Former Executive Director and Faith Relations Committee Member and Cindi Owning, Emeritus Director and Faith Relations Committee Chair of the Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity on Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 9:30 AM, LIVE via ZOOM presented by the Southern New Hampshire Jewish Men’s Club.
Born and raised in Nashua, Scott Slattery has been a non-profit practitioner and administrator for over 30 years serving Southern New Hampshire, most recently as the executive director of Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity. He has dedicated his career to serving low- and moderate-income families through affordable housing and capacity building initiatives.
In addition to being Emeritus Director of the Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity, Cindi Owning is Co-Owner of Viking Roofing in Hollis, NH. Viking Roofing offers more than 50 years of combined roofing and metalworking experience, and provides expert advice on roofing materials, methods, and designs to preserve the integrity of residential, commercial and historic properties.
Since It’s establishment in November 1994 by a small group of dedicated volunteers, the Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity has helped meet the need of local families by building safe, decent, affordable housing to help break the cycle of poverty and provide a stable home for years to come.
Please join us for an exciting and informative look at the many ways in which the Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity helps support the Greater Nashua Community and discover the many opportunities for individuals and families to contribute to the ongoing success of this great organization.
Scott and Cindi’s presentation will be followed by an open question and answer session.
The Southern New Hampshire Jewish Men’s Club is proud to sponsor Scott and Cindi’s presentation which will start off with “Schmooze Time” from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM. This special presentation is open to the public but advance registration is required. Please register in advance by emailing breakfastrsvp@snhjmc.org to confirm your registration.
About The Southern New Hampshire Jewish Men’s Club
The Southern New Hampshire Jewish Men’s Club was founded in 1982 and conducts monthly
Zoom meetings during the pandemic. The Club’s mission is based on building a brotherhood of like-minded men who wish to share their commitment and values to those in the greater Southern New Hampshire Jewish community. The Southern New Hampshire Jewish Men’s Club is a non-profit organization serving Jewish men and husbands of Jewish women from all of southern NH’s Jewish communities regardless of synagogue membership for over thirty years. If you or someone you know would like to join our Men’s Club please contact our President, Paul Moverman, via email: president@snhjmc.org or visit our website at http://www.snhjmc.org. Membership Dues have been temporarily waived due to the COVID pandemic.